10 Best Mobile App Development Platforms & Frameworks in 2024

It is not surprising that with 6.5 billion-plus smartphone users globally and predicted to reach 7.6 billion in 2027. As a result, the mobile app development platform market generated a revenue of $14 billion till 2023. Adding to the smartphone market of the 1.14 billion tablet users globally, the demand for mobile apps will not slow down in the foreseeable future. With figures like a person using nine apps daily and thirty apps every month, it won't be far-fetched to state that investing in or developing app development companies is a promising venture. However, knowing the right platform to leverage benefits is essential. The primary step in ensuring it is understanding the best mobile app development platforms and frameworks. With so many platforms available in mobile app development, it is challenging to select the correct forum. While the increasing number is enabling developers and entrepreneurs to work on different features and elements of an app, it is also increasing the competition and providing more choices to the customers. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 mobile app development platforms in the market and why it matters. But before that, for those new to the world of mobile app development and thinking of taking a deep dive into it, here is a quick overview of the basics.

» What Are Mobile App Development Platforms?

Since the advent of smartphones and smart mobile devices, companies have shown that one of the best ways to warrant their increase in customer base is through mobile applications. As a result, companies have developed various mobile app development frameworks, commonly known as MADP (mobile application development platform). To explain what MADP is, one can state it is a set of tools, technology, and services that allows a mobile app developer to assemble different elements and features for creating an application. The platform's utility is more than just helping make the application; it allows the developer to design, develop, and test the application. The app creator can then deploy the app across multiple mobile platforms, networks, and devices while maintaining and updating them regularly. Any developer would say that designing, developing, and running a mobile application is a complicated task requiring learning complex computer languages. However, with MADP, the developer needs to know all languages like CSS, HTML, or JavaScript. They can maintain a single codebase compatible with other devices, networks, and platforms. The streamlining of MADP makes app development easy at a faster turnaround time that is cost-effective.

» Why Should You Use MADP For Mobile App Development?

There are many app development companies that build mobile apps without MADP. However, developing a mobile app on a MADP offers quite a few benefits that can be termed QUICK, an acronym that Leenesh Singh created. Here is what QUICK stands for:

› Quick Development

As mentioned earlier, it offers a quick turnaround time. This is possible because a single cross-platform app can perform across all the other platforms. No longer the developer needs to build a native app for every platform. With most development platforms now offering ready-to-use modules and pre-existing plugins, developing the app is much faster, hence improving time to market.

› User Experience

It is easier to offer a consistent user experience on all platforms with a single developer and cross-platform development in place. However, it can be challenging to sync the experience when different teams on the various platforms are developing the app.

› Increased Coverage

The mobile market is growing exponentially. The leading players, iOS, Android, and Windows, are offering their platforms. When you use these three and other major MADPs, you can leverage it as a company that wants to target and increase its customer base.

› Cost-Effective

When you can create an app across multiple platforms by working on one, the development cost comes down. In addition, with a single code, you can maintain and update the app across all the platforms, networks, and devices, thus reducing the app development and maintenance cost.

› Knowledge

It isn't easy to find a developer who knows all the platforms and languages. However, with MADP in place, you need a knowledgeable developer with single language knowledge. Moreover, with mobile app development tools integrated into the platform, it is easy for developers to work on cross-platform apps. Now that you have an idea of the benefits of writing and developing an app on MADP, it is time for you to choose the right mobile app development platform.

Top 10 Mobile Application Development Platforms List

App development approaches can differ among the developers like native apps, cross-platform apps, hybrid applications, and progressive web applications. Similarly, technologies used in developing mobile applications can change, e.g., Reactive Native, Flutter, and Ionic. While these factors do influence the type of mobile application development, the other factor influences the mobile app development platform selection. The way you intend to transform the business with the app is the speed, agility, and innovation you want to bring in. You can select one of the mobile app platforms from the list based on these. We are offering a mobile app development platform comparison for you.

1. Reactive Native

Reactive Native mobile app development platform

Facebook supports this easy-to-access cross-platform application and is one of the preferred options for programmers. It facilitates iOS and Android mobile applications and is being used by Skype, Amazon prime, and Tesla. The appeal of Reactive Native is the implementation and development of the app are quick and easy. It also offers easy third-party extension and integration with reusable elements.

Features of Reactive Native