WorldEditor Manual

This is version 2.5 of the manual for WorldEditor. To use this manual, you can jump to a section by clicking its title in the table of contents on the side. Clicking on terms highlighted in blue like this will take you directly to the relevant text or section. To search for a specific term or set of words, press “ctrl” (“command” on a Mac) + “f” to type the term and be taken to it anywhere in the document. For a PDF version of this manual, use an HTML to PDF converter such as

Introduction to Scenery Development in X-Plane

What the Scenery System Does

Scenery in the X‑Plane simulator can include essentially everything outside the aircraft. X‑Plane is designed specifically to enable users to create and modify scenery themselves. This means that, with a little ambition, a home user with no programming experience could design, say, a realistic version of their home town. This model of My Town, USA could then be easily incorporated into the X‑Plane simulator so that upon flying from Neighboring Town, USA into My Town, the scenery seamlessly and transparently moves into the super realistic scenery. These scenery packages can be even be distributed on the Internet so that anyone using the X‑Plane desktop simulator can download and install them.

What the Scenery is Made Of

Scenery in the X‑Plane desktop simulator is made up of both scenery files (apt.dat and DSF files) and “resources”, text files that describe the various entities referenced in the scenery package. This includes object files for describing buildings, network files for describing road patterns, forest files for describing vegetation, and so on.

In our scenery system, the world is divided into 1 degree latitude by 1 degree longitude tiles, each one of which is defined by one file. Custom scenery is stored in packages, or folders which contain all relevant files. Objects (in the form of OBJ files) can be placed at any location. These objects are most commonly buildings, but they could be houses, airplanes, or even people—X-Plane doesn’t know the difference. In addition to these custom objects, custom terrain textures may be used to create orthophoto-style scenery.

Available Tools

The X‑Plane scenery development kit contains the following:

The new scenery generation tools make extensive use of open source libraries; in order to comply with those licenses and to give back to the open source communities that make the new scenery possible, all of the new scenery tools have been released in source code as well as binaries. If you are a programmer interested in working with the scenery, we recommend working within the source code bases for these tools, as they already solve a number of problems relating to in-memory storage and processing of the new scenery.

The Scenery Creation Community & Additional Resources has web-based forums, including a forum dedicated to scenery creation. Additional guides, tutorials, tips and tricks can also be found on the X-Plane Developer site, including a 13 part video tutorial on airport creation.

To file any reports of bugs or problems with WorldEditor (or any of the other scenery tools), visit the scenery tools bug base.

Future Compatibility

The X‑Plane 8/9/10/11 scenery file formats differ from the old X‑Plane 7 formats in that they are open-ended; they can represent almost any configuration of scenery as long as a tool can create it. With X‑Plane 7, to implement new features with the scenery, the format had to change. Since X‑Plane 8, the format can represent almost anything. This means that the format will not change as we develop new scenery technology, all newer versions of X-plane can read older format files, and many existing sceneries can still be used in newer X-plane versions. Also, third party programmers will be able to design new scenery creation tools without being limited by our file formats, and it may even be possible to convert scenery from other flight simulators.

What WorldEditor Is, and What It Can Do

WorldEditor (or WED) is the scenery creation and editing tool for the X‑Plane flight simulator. It is designed to be a graphical tool for editing scenery overlays. It is able to:

WED is not used to edit base terrain meshes. Although these files also share the suffix .dsf , these files are different in that they give shape to terrain in X‑Plane. To create these files, use MeshTool, a command-line tool to build base meshes from raw data. WED is also not used to edit or create 3-D models of aircraft, buildings, or other objects in the world. For information on using 3-D modeling programs such as AC3D or Blender to create X‑Plane objects, see the X-Plane Developer site, or download the Plane Maker manual.

Downloading and Installing WorldEditor

To use WorldEditor, do the following:

WED first start

  1. Visit the X‑Plane Developer WorldEditor page and download the version of WED for your operating system. Save it to a location you will be able to find it, like the Desktop.
  2. Extract the WED executable from the ZIP file you just downloaded and save it somewhere you will be able to find it later (you can put it in your X‑Plane directory, but this is not strictly necessary). WED is a single-executable file only, so no installer or other special installation procedures are required.
  3. Launch WED by double-clicking on it.
  4. If this is your first first time launching WorldEditor, you must point the application to your X‑Plane installation. To do this, click the Choose X‑Plane Folder button in the bottom right of the window as seen in Figure 1. In the new window that opens, navigate to your X‑Plane folder, and click Select or OK.

Figure 1: A first launch of WorldEditor, with all options disabled except for "Choose X‑Plane Folder"

WED will verify the selected folder as a valid X‑Plane installation by testing for the presence of the “Resources/default scenery/” and “Custom Scenery/” folders inside that location. After that the remaining “New” and “Open” buttons will be enabled, and WED is ready to be used.

X-Plane Scenery Concepts

X-Plane scenery comes in “packs.” A scenery pack is simply a self-contained folder with all elements of a scenery. These can include:

For more information on the contents of a scenery package, see the appendix Anatomy of the X‑Plane Scenery System.

WorldEditor creates its own file, called , in the folder that represents your scenery pack. All of your work in WED is saved in this file. You then “export” your work, which creates the final scenery in a format usable by X‑Plane. This workflow is quite similar to creating on a multi-layer Photoshop document, then saving a copy as a PNG for use outside Photoshop (emailing, posting to a website, etc.). Just like in Photoshop, the format used for editing a scenery file includes more information (and takes up more space) than the format used as output for an end-user.

WED’s own files have the advantage of letting WED save scenery information that isn’t normally present in a scenery package: hierarchy information, object names, and window positions. However, it has a few major impacts on your work:

  1. You must “build” your scenery pack (which exports all of your work to the X‑Plane file formats) before you will see anything in X‑Plane. Doing a normal “save” in WED won’t create real X‑Plane scenery. To export a scenery pack, open the File menu and click Export Scenery Pack, or press Ctrl+B on the keyboard (Command+B on a Mac). In addition, you can export directly to the Airport Scenery Gateway. We discuss this more in the section Exporting the Scenery.
  2. Exporting scenery does a “compile” of your scenery pack with WED’s latest work—this can overwrite and destroy existing scenery if you already have a package in your Custom Scenery folder with the same name (e.g., if you have previously exported this scenery package).
  3. Because WED only opens files, if you have created scenery packs in other programs like Overlay Editor, or if you want to open scenery packs for which you don’t have the file, that scenery must be imported before you can edit them. See the section Synchronizing with Other Editors for details on how to do this.
  4. You must set an export target. Basically the export target sets the oldest version of X‑Plane that can use the output scenery pack (though you also have the option of setting the Global Airport Database as your target.) When the export target is set older, the relevant new features in WED are then not exported. For example, if you set an export target of X‑Plane 10.50, then you will not see any ground support vehicles in any version of X-Plane, as these features were not compatible with that X‑Plane version. The Validate command, which you can access either through the file menu, or by pressing Shift-Ctrl-V on the keyboard (Shift-Command-V on a Mac) checks the WED file based on the current export target. Note that the export target of “Gateway” is special: these sceneries are always intended and exported for the latest version of X‑Plane supported by your WED version and are subject to additional validation checks only applicable for sceneries intended for upload to the Airport Scenery Gateway.

Using the WorldEditor Interface

The Scenery Package List

WED 2 Package Chooser

Figure 2: The scenery package list, visible when launching WED

By clicking any row from the table visible in Figure 2, then clicking the Open Scenery Package button, you can open an existing scenery package. Alternatively, you can use the New Scenery Package button to create a new, empty custom scenery pack.

The first column of the table can indicate a library or scenery that is disabled in the scenery_packs.ini configuration file. X‑Plane will not display such sceneries, but WED will still allow these to be edited. Disabled libraries will not be used by neither X‑Plane nor WED.

The second column shows some information about the contents of each scenery:

The third column is the name of the folder that holds the scenery pack or library. The name has no relevance to X‑Plane or WED and can be changed any time without affecting the scenery packs functionality.

Note that WED does not support windows shortcuts. Scenery packs not actually present in the ‘Custom Scenery’ folder must be referred to by symbolic links instead to be visible and useable in WED. See also the Windows blog or Howto Geek how to create symbolic links in windows.

The line at the very top of Figure 2 shows the X‑Plane folder last selected by the Choose X‑Plane Folder button as well as the version information from the last time X‑Plane was run in that folder.

The WED Scenery Editing Window

WED Window

Figure 3: A typical WorldEditor window, click on the image for more information

  1. Library Pane - items available for placing in the scenery
  2. Library Preview Pane - preview of item selected in Library pane
  3. Toolbar
  4. Tool Defaults
  5. Map Pane
  6. Hierachy Pane - items already placed in scenery
  7. Attributes Pane - properties of items selected in the Map / Hierachy pane
  8. Editing Tabs

All panes are user adjustable in size by dragging the dividers in between them. You can reset all panes to a usefull size very similar to Figure 3 by clicking on "Restore Frames in the View menu.

Additionally the left side panes (labeled 1+2 in Figure 3) and right side panes (labeled 6–8 in Figure 3) can be made to automatically open and close by moving the mouse to the side of the WED Window:

If you set either pane vertical divider so the side panes are fairly narrow (less than 100 pixels wide), but not completely closed - move the mouse over that narrow area and the corresponding side pane will expand automatically to a preset, usefull size. Move the mouse back over the center panes (labeled 3–5 in Figure 3) and the side pane will return immediately to its narrow size.

The Map Pane

The map pane, numbered 5 in Figure 3 above, takes up the largest portion of the window by default. This is the pane that gives a top-down view of the scenery package as it stands. By mousing over the map pane and scrolling with your mouse, you can zoom in or out (note that the zoom will center around wherever your mouse is located—if you place it in the bottom right and scroll up, you will zoom in toward the bottom right of the window).

You can pan around in the map pane around by dragging it with the mouse while holding down the right mouse key.

If you ever lose your place in this view, you can click View from the menu and select Zoom World (to zoom out to where you can see the whole planet) or Zoom Package (to fit the view to the scenery package itself).

In this pane, you can visually add, move, and remove elements from the scenery package. The effect of clicking on an element in the map pane depends on what tool is selected in the toolbar.

In the right top corner of the map pane is a set of buttons to “tilt” the map pane, i.e. show the 3D elements viewed from an oblique angle. This is also known as a “birds eye view” and it allows to see the vertical walls of buildings and get a sense of the height of items.

The Toolbar

The toolbar, numbered 3 in Figure 3 above and seen in Figure 4 below to the right, selects the “tool” currently in use. Different tools are able to modify different types of things in the map pane. These are as follows:

The toolbar

Figure 4: The tools in the toolbar, numbered in correspondance with the list to the left

  1. Vertex tool Shortcut key: v
    Used to select and manipulate vertices or any point-type entity (such as runway endpoints, points in a facade, 3-D objects, object headings, etc.). You can either click the point directly, or drag-click to create a box within which all points will be selected. Depending on the point’s type, holding Alt when you click may change the tool’s behavior (e.g., an Alt+click on a point in a facade allows you to create a curve from that point).
  2. Marquee tool Shortcut key: m
    Used to drag a rectangle to select whole entities (i.e., all the points that make it up) or groups of entities. Or click on an entity to select all parts of it. The two above tools differ in that the vertex tool is intended to manipulate individual points and point-type entities, while the marquee tool is made to move, rotate, and scale area-type entities or groups of items.
  3. Runway tool Shortcut key: r
    Creates runways, which can optionally include blastpads and displaced thresholds. Click somewhere on the map to set the first endpoint of the runway, then click again to set the second endpoint.
  4. Sealane tool Shortcut key: s
    Creates sealanes (to be placed on water) that seaplanes take off and land from, lined with buoys.
  5. Helipad tool Shortcut key: h
    Creates helipads.
  6. Taxiway tool Shortcut key: t
    Creates taxiways via closed Bezier paths. These are functional as well as visible scenery elements that define areas that aircraft are intended to move on. For all other visual surface markings use tool #22 “Polygon tool”.
  7. Taxiline tool Shortcut key: l
    Creates line markings on taxi- and runways, optionally accompanied by light fixtures. Use tool #21 “Line tool” for all other line markings.
  8. Hole tool Shortcut key: k
    Creates holes in any existing polygon or taxiway. Often used to cut out pavement to make the underlying terrain, e.g. airport grass visible.
  9. Light fixture tool Shortcut key: f
    Places runway related light fixtures such as PAPI/VASI or wigwags.
  10. Sign tool Shortcut key: g
    Places 3D run- or taxiway signs.
  11. Airport beacon tool
    Places the rotating airport beacon.
  12. Windsock tool
    Places windsocks.
  13. Tower viewpoint tool
    Used to set control tower viewpoints (the point from which users in X‑Plane will see their aircraft when they select the Tower Viewpoint from the View menu).
  14. Ramp start tool Shortcut key: o
    Places locations that can be selected as start locations at airport. They are additionally used by AI traffic as parking locations as well as the “Draw parked aircraft” simulator feature to show aircraft parked permanently on the ground.
  15. Boundary tool
    Creates boundaries around airports. These do not immediately create visible changes in sceneries, but define the area that will be kept free of 3D autogen in future base mesh sceneries.
  16. Taxi route tool
    Used to define the paths along which traffic moves aabout the airport. These routes are used for all of
  17. Facade tool
    Used to draw facade boundaries (from .fac files) using Bezier curves. For more information on facades, see the section Adding Facades later in this manual.
  18. Object tool
    Places an object (a .obj art asset or .agp group of art assets) of the type currently selected in the library pane (numbered 1 in Figure 3 and described below). For more information on objects, see the section Adding Objects and Auto-Generating Scenes later in this manual.
  19. Forest tool
    Used to draw forested regions, which may be filled with trees in X‑Plane depending on the user’s forest density settings. As well as lines of trees or locations of individual trees. The type of trees that will be used depends on the .for file resource you specify.
  20. String tool
    Used to place object strings (a number of otherwise standard .obj files placed repeatedly along a line, as defined in a .str file).
  21. Line tool
    Creates miscellaneous lines or linear surface markings, such as road markings, sidewalks or narrow surface features, using Bezier curves. Visial appearance is defined by .lin files.
  22. Polygon tool
    Used for drawing miscellaneous polygons (from .pol files—often simple textures).
  23. Exclusion tool
    Used to draw “exclusion zones,” which are lat-lon rectangles that prevent elements of lower-priority tiles (e.g., X-Plane’s autogenerated cities or forests) from being loaded in the area. Excluded types must be selected from the drop down menu. For example, if an overlay tile contained placements for custom buildings for Manhattan, the author would also create an exclusion zone around Manhattan and select “Objects” from Exclusions menu to prevent the default buildings (that ship with X-Plane) from appearing there.
  24. Truck Parking tool
    Used to place location where ground service vehicle are parked while waiting to calls to service aircraft.
  25. Truck destination tool
    Used to place desination to create additional random ground service vehicle movements, aka “joyrides”.

For more detail on the tools described above, see the chapter Editing Using the Map Tools.

The Tool Defaults Pane

Numbered 4 in Figure 3, the tool defaults pane changes the settings for the currently selected tool. The available settings vary by the tool. For instance, the vertex tool’s only option is whether or not to snap to vertices (that is, to “jump” to existing points when dragging some vertex). The runway tool, on the other hand, can specify the runway’s surface and shoulder material (concrete, grass, snow, etc.), the roughness of the runway, the presence of centerline lights, and so on. For many tools, you can change the default resource by selecting that tool, then clicking an asset in the library pane (described below) that is usable by that tool.

Before using any tool, set up the preferences first and you won’t have to edit later. When you change the defaults for a tool, WED will remember those changes so that the next time you use the tool, it will be set up the same way. This saves time when drawing many similar types of things.

The Library Pane

The library pane, numbered 1 in Figure 3, displays art assets currently available for inclusion in the scenery. Here, you can browse through the files in the X‑Plane library using their virtual paths. (For our purposes, a full understanding of the library system is not required, but for further reading, see the appendix About the X‑Plane Library System.) Selecting an asset will also select an appropriate tool—for instance, if you select a .obj file, the object tool will become active, and if you select a .for file, the forest tool will become active.

If you are looking for a specific asset, you can search the library using the “Filter” & “Choose Pack” boxes at the top of the pane. Click the “Choose Pack” box to display a drop down list of available library packs, and select the pack you’d like to search within. Next, type a search term in the “filter” box to see all available objects within the pack that include that term. For instance, if you were looking for a specific ATC tower, you might type “control_tower,” with the “airport scenery” pack selected. The library pane would show the Classic_Tower_1 object, among others.

You may also search the library using the special search operators $ and ^ . $ is an end-of-line indicator, while ^ goes at the beginning of a search. For example, searching for “Yellow” in the hierarchy search pane would return results with that word anywhere in the name or attribute. Searching for “Yellow$” on the other hand would only match items ending in “Yellow,” while searching “ Yellow ” would match anything starting with “Yellow.”

The Library Preview Pane

The library preview pane, numbered 2 in Figure 3, shows an accurate, real-time preview of some (but not all) art assets. When you select a .pol file in the library pane, the pane will be filled with the texture defined by that polygon asset. When you select a ‘.lin’, ‘.for’, .obj or .agp file in the library pane, a 3-D preview of the object or scene will appear in the preview pane. By clicking and dragging this preview, you can change your perspective, and you can zoom in using the scroll wheel on your mouse.

Rotate the preview object to see all wall types available for the facade. This works even if there are more than 4 wall types-just keep spinning ! Facades also can change in appearance depending on the height and width of any given wall. Drag the mouse holding the right button (as opposed to the left button, which is used to rotate the object) to change the height and width of the preview object and note the changes in appearance.

If there is more than one variant of the .fac file, you can also use the button in the preview pane to toggle through the options. Keep in mind that X‑Plane will select one at random every time scenery is loaded–there is no way to specify a variant the simulator should always use, so make sure your scenery design looks acceptable with any of these variants.

The Hierarchy Pane

The hierarchy pane in WED

Figure 5: The hierarchy pane in WED

The hierarchy pane, numbered 6 in Figure 3 and shown enlarged in Figure 5, shows every element currently in the scenery package.

Using this pane, you can select an element or group by clicking on it. This will highlight that element in both the hierarchy and map panes. By double-clicking on an entity in the hierarchy, you can rename it.

By clicking and dragging an entity in this pane, you can change the order in which objects are drawn: objects and groups higher in the hierarchy will be drawn on top of those lower in the hierarchy whenever they overlap. For instance, in Figure 5, the “Runways” group is higher than the “Taxiways and Tarmac” group, so all elements within “Runways” will be drawn over elements contained in “Taxiways and Tarmac” if they happen to overlap.

To place one or more entities in a group, select them and press Ctrl+G on the keyboard (Command+G on Macs), or select Group from the Edit menu. To ungroup elements (that is, remove a group, leaving all entities the group previously contained at the same “level” as the group was), select a group label and press Ctrl+Shift+G (Command+Shift+G on Macs), or select Ungroup from the Edit menu.

By clicking the lock icon, you can lock an element or group to prevent further visual editing. Note that is applies only to editing within the map pane; changing the element’s properties in the editing tabs (beneath the hierarchy pane, described below is still possible. Note also that this property applies recursively: if a group in which an element resides is locked, that element will also be locked.

Next to the lock icon is an icon that looks like an eye. This toggles the visibility of an element or group. Invisible elements will not be exported for use in X-Plane, and will of course not be visible in the map pane.

To delete entities, select them in the hierarchy and press the Backspace or Delete key on the keyboard, or select Clear from the Edit menu.

The Attributes Pane

The editing tabs in WED

Figure 6: The editing tabs and attributes pane in WED

The attributes pane, numbered 7 in Figure 3 and seen in Figure 6, contains a number of editing tabs, which allow for editing of elements based on their type. The first tab, labeled Selection, shows in full detail whatever scenery element is currently selected. Because of this, it changes the properties displayed in order to match the currently selected element.

The Editing Tabs

The tabs numbered 8 Figure 3 reduce clutter by selectively limiting the visible entities in the map pane. They also lock the hidden objects so they cannot be moved on the map by mistake when in a tab mode.

The Selection tab makes all types of scenery items selectable and shows everything, except for some clearances around ATC routes and road networks.

The Pavement tab allows you to access only the underlying ground cover of the airport, with other details removed. Only runways, taxiways, draped polygons and orthophotos are unlocked and visible in this mode.

The Taxi Routes tab allows you to easily edit ATC operations at an airport. Only ramp starts and ATC taxi routes are unlocked, but most pavement, such as taxiways, runways, facades, and orthophotos are visible but locked from editing.

The Lights and Markings tab allows editing of non-sign details on top of base pavements. Line and string files, taxiway lines, light fixtures and windsocks are unlocked in this mode, with underlying pavement visible but locked.

The 3D Objects tab allows you to edit 3D clutter and buildings, such as facades, forests, and objects. Underlying pavement is visible but locked again in this mode.

The Exclusion and Boundary tab allows fine editing of exclusion zones and airport boundaries, with most airport features visible but locked in this mode.

The Texture tab is for texture mapping a custom draped polygon file named “Draped Orthophoto.” To add these to the scenery, select a .pol file in the library pane, then select Use Texture Map in the tool defaults pane. Some .pol art assets (such as the DrapedRunwaySigns.pol) come with special pre-defined “subtextures” that can be pre-selected by a mouse click on the relevant part of the texture in the library preview pane.

After drawing your shape with the polygon tool, use the bounding box in the texture tab to select what part of the original image is displayed in the shape. Use the Snap to Vertices options for the most precision. Note that this tab only works with custom draped polygons that have been drawn with the Texture Map box checked. Custom scenery that use custom textures or or .pol files other than those included in the Laminar Research default library are not eligible to upload to the Airport Scenery Gateway.

The Taxi Sign Editor

The taxi sign editor is “what you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG).

taxi sign editor

Signs in the hierarchy are shown as a rendered preview of what the sign will look like. When you click on the line, you open the editor with two “text” fields where signs can be directly typed, and a palette where signs can be added by clicking. If the raw definition code is showing, this indicates the taxi sign fails to meet the syntax rules as outlined on page 13 of the apt.dat specification. The fastest fix may be to clear the existing sign text completely and create new text with the WYSIWYG editor.


preferences window

Figure 7: The options in the preferences window

WED has globalized preference settings that will apply to every scenery pack. This menu is found under File > Preferences (or WED > Preferences on Mac OS). Here you can change between meters and feet, or how the coordinates are displayed in the map (although you can only enter coordinates as decimals still). The size of all text in WED can be specified as well. Most tables and menus will adjust to this size instantly, but some may require a restart of WED for best appearance. See the section “Using Orthophotos for Scenery and Guides” for information on how to use the Tile Server Custom URL field.

Creating Airports and Overlay Scenery

This tutorial steps through the creation of an airport from scratch, including runways, taxiways, air traffic control frequencies, and more. It also discusses adding orthophotos and objects to the scenery. Finally, it details exporting the package for use in X-Plane.

Alternatively, see WorldEditor in action by watching the 13 WED tutorials on YouTube that show how to create a simple airport.

Note: Before beginning, make sure you are familiar with the basics of the WED interface, discussed in the section Using the WorldEditor Interface above.

Creating a New Package

If you have not installed WorldEditor yet, do so according to the section Downloading and Installing WorldEditor above.

To begin, we will create a new scenery package in WorldEditor. Launch WED and click the New Scenery Package button, as seen in the image below.

Clicking the New Scenery Package button from the WorldEditor launch window

Figure 8: Clicking the New Scenery Package button from the WorldEditor launch window

Click on the new airport in the list and type a name for it (this name is unimportant except as an identifier for your own use). With the name entered, click the Open Scenery Package button. After a moment, the WED drafting window will appear, showing a new, empty scenery package.

Now is a good time to save your work, and to get into the habit of saving often!

Setting Up the Basic Airport Information

We will now set up the airport that X‑Plane will use. A scenery package does not need to be associated with an airport, but it is generally the case that people create scenery packages around some airport.

You have two options regarding the airport data used in your package: you can either use a default airport (and modify it if necessary), or create a new one from scratch. The airport data included with X‑Plane by default is generally of high quality, even in cases where only the main runways are included, so it is most common to import the existing data.

Importing Airport Data

Scenery artists can import airport data from the Airport Scenery Gateway database as well. First, select the option “Import from Airport Scenery Gateway” from within the File menu. The window that opens will download the airports currently available in the database, so you must be connected to the Internet to use the feature.

You can search by ICAO in the Filter field, or scroll through the list to see if any scenery for an airport exists. Click “ICAO” to sort the list by identifier or “Name” for alphabetical sort. Data in the “Checked Out Until” and “Artist” columns indicates other Gateway artists reporting via the Airport Scenery Gateway website that they are currently working on updates for that airport. Such tags will not affect the ability to down or even upload modified airports, but can be used to avoid duplicate efforts.

Highlight the airport line then click Next to see all of the submissions of that airport in the database. Notes are included for each submission letting you know what user submitted it, how old it is, its status (such as whether it’s the recommended version), and any comments included by the creator. Pick which version(s) you’d like to import and click the Import Pack(s) button.

Multiple submissions of the same airport can be imported at one time, however we suggest that you only import the version labeled “Recommended” to avoid confusion between packs, and to work with the most complete data for the airport. Alternately multiple airports can be highlighted in the initial selection list, in which case the recommended version for each airport is imported without further user input.

You can import airport data saved on your computer via the File menu > Import apt.dat. Navigate to the apt.dat file you wish to import from in the next window. Then WED will ask which airports within the file to actually import. Type the ICAO identifier of your airport in the text box labeled Filter (found at the top of the dialog box), click your airport to select it (or hold Control/Command and click multiple airports to select them all), and click Import. At this point, all existing data on your airport is present in your project.

In most scenery packs, additional 2-D and 3-D airport scenery is stored in DSF files, which have to be imported separately with the “Import DSF” function in the File menu. Note the DSF format is a lossy, compressed format (similar to .jpg images), so the precision is less than when importing from the Airport Scenery Gateway or using an file, if available. This imported DSF data will show up in a separate group named after the path of the DSF file imported. At this point it is not associated with any airport previously imported from the apt.dat file. This group must be dragged in the Hierarchy Pane into the hierarchy of the intended airport to restore all functionality of this scenery in X-Plane.

Creating an Airport From Scratch

If you choose to create an airport from scratch rather than importing one from existing airport data, open the Airport menu and click Create Airport. A new group will appear in the hierarchy paned labeled “unnamed entity.” Click twice on this name in order to rename it to match your airport’s name.

With the newly created airport selected, we can enter some basic information about it in the editing pane (beneath the hierarchy pane). Using the Airnav database, you can find the airport’s elevation, ICAO identifier, and so on. (Note that, by default, the elevation is in feet above mean sea level. You can change these measurements to meters by changing your preferences.)

setting editing pane fields

Figure 9: Setting the field elevation, ATC presence, and ICAO identifier for an example airport

Airport information basics

Whether you are creating an airport from scratch or importing an existing one, there are some data fields that should be filled out for all airports, such as the name, type, elevation, ATC, and ICAO. The scenery ID field relates to Gateway imports and should usually be left alone.

1.5 metadata

You can specify whether base mesh flattening will be applied to only this airport with the “Always Flatten” option. In addition, up to 11 “Meta Tags” can define many properties important for ATC and navigation functions associated with a given airport. These can be automatically filled in for new airports by choosing Update Metadata from the Airport menu. You can manually add metadata fields by choosing Add metadata then the appropriate option if the automatic update doesn’t return any results.

The most frequently edited meta tags are the “ICAO code,” “FAA code” and “Local Code” meta tags. The airport selection windows in X-Plane, all GPS and FMC navigation use these meta tags only to display the airport’s identifier. The “Airport ID” property in WED or as used on the Airport Scenery Gateway is no longer used to determine the airport identifier in the X‑Plane user interface and may therefore differ from the Airport ID. If an ICAO or otherwise locally issued identifier changes, the relevant meta tags are to be edited to reflect the new identifier, while the Airport ID in WED, on the Gateway and in all scenery files must never change once assigned.

Setting the Default Airport for Editing

An important concept in WED is the idea of the “current airport.” The current airport is the one named in the upper left of the map pane, as illustrated in Figure 10. If there are no airports in the scenery package, there is no current airport. The current airport is the airport with which all new scenery elements (runways, objects, etc.) will be associated by default. Thus, if you have 3 airports in your scenery package and you draw a new runway, that runway will appear within the hierarchy of your current airport. Note, however, that it is the hierarchy pane which ultimately determines what airport a scenery element will belong to. If you create an entity at the wrong airport, you can always drag it in the hierarchy pane so that it belongs to the right airport.

To switch between current airports, select the airport you would like to edit from the hierarchy pane, then select Edit Airport (airport name) from under the Airport drop down menu.

![The current airport listed in the upper left of the map pane][images/updates/current_airport.jpg]

Figure 10: The current airport listed in the upper left of the map pane (in this case, KOJC/Olathe-Johnson County Executive)

Using Orthophotos for Scenery and Guides

When drawing runways, adding lighting, and so on (all discussed in the rest of this chapter), it may be helpful to have a real-world photo to guide you. Since X‑Plane global scenery includes all roads, coastlines, and other data from OpenStreetMap data, WED can display these maps automatically by choosing View menu > Slippy Maps > OpenStreetMap. The maps are downloaded directly from the web, so this feature requires internet connectivity. Once loaded, the maps are cached on disk for at least one month to support continuing their use while offline.

OSM KSEA example

Figure 10: The OpenStreetMap data underlying the KSEA demo area

Another very popular option is to trace features from satellite imagery. This is supported by choosing View menu > Slippy Maps > ESRI Imagery. This imagery is also data is cached on disk and available for offline use the same way as the OpenStreetMap data.

If you would prefer to use slippy maps of your own choosing, enter the tile URL (using syntax as shown in this article) in the “Tile Server Custom URL” field in the Preferences window. Please note that using this feature will legally prevent sharing the scenery you create, under any circumstances. Use this feature at your own risk as many services (Google Maps for example) strictly prohibit using their data unless it is purchased from them.

A third option is to download or create with any suitable 3rd party application georeferenced images in the GeoTiff format. For these use View menu > Pick Overlay Image… to import. These images will be placed into the correct position automatically, but if for some reason the georeferencing data can not be read, the image is placed in order to completely and exactly fill the current map window in either width or height, preserving the image’s aspect ration. If this happens, the image corner coordinates can still be entered manually by selecting the reference image’s corner and entering the Longitude/Latitude properties for each.

All of the above methods are for images that are only visible in WED to assist with scenery creation and layout. If instead you want your images to be exported as part of the scenery pack, you would need to import orthophotos using the File menu > Import Orthophoto option. If you do not want to use orthophotos in your scenery, you can instead skip to the section “Adding and Modifying Runways or Sealanes” below.

Orthophotos are real-world aerial photographs which overlay the terrain in X-Plane, and are seen in scenery packages like those of RealScenery), and to use them you must first download some high quality orthophotos of the area.

For scenery in the US, it’s easy to obtain public domain orthophotos that may be used freely in our scenery; you can download them from the USGS Seamless Server. Outside the US, it may be more difficult—-copyrights on most imagery like this will prevent you from using or distributing the images with your scenery.

Note: When downloading orthoimagery other from any service other than the USGS, their individual copyrights must be respected. Therefore, it is recommended that only images from the USGS be used in WorldEditor. Additionally, scenery that uses orthophotos may not be uploaded to the Airport Scenery Gateway.

From here on, we will assume that you have either downloaded orthophotos from the Seamless server, or that you have similar files from some other resource. The advantage to using the Seamless server is that you can download image files that have their geographic coordinates embedded in the files themselves.

Be sure to put the orthophoto image files you downloaded in your custom scenery pack folder.

Inserting Orthophotos

Adding orthophoto scenery is as simple as importing and, if no georeferencing information is included, positioning the image, customizing the rest of your airport’s features, and exporting the scenery pack. WorldEditor will automatically take care of any necessary image resizing and splitting large images into smaller textures without resolution loss, as well as the creation of image format and draped polygon files.

Supported image file types are: .bmp, .dds, .jpg, .png, and .tif. The recommended maximum image size is up to 16,384 pixels per side. Note that while WED can accept images of any size and shape, some resizing or transformation may occur if the source image is not already to the power of 2, or basically square.

orthophoto inserted

Figure 11: An orthophoto inserted into a WED project

To get started, open the File menu and select the Import Orthophoto option. Note that the image file must be located inside the scenery pack’s folder as all output files created by WED will be placed in the same location. Navigate to this folder and select the orthophoto files you downloaded previously. Assuming the coordinate information in the files is correct (and that the file type includes embedded coordinates), WED will automatically place the images where they should be.

Use the Marquee tool to select the newly inserted images, then give them a meaningful name in the hierarchy pane.

If your image did not include coordinate information, and you need to fine-tune the placement of your images, use the vertex tool to highlight the corners of you images. With a corner selected, you can use the Selection tab (in the bottom right of the window) to tune its latitude or longitude coordinates, along with its other properties. Alternatively, you could select your image’s corners and drag them to move them, holding the control key to preserve the aspect ratio if desired. This is, for obvious reasons, not nearly as accurate as putting in the exact coordinates that you want for the image.

With the image’s position perfected, you should be able to zoom in on your runways and see the X‑Plane runway aligned (nearly) perfectly with the runway in the photo.

You may want to group all your overlay orthophotos if you are using more than one. To do so, select them all by holding down the Ctrl key (Windows) or Command key (Mac) and clicking the orthophotos in turn. Open the Edit menu and click Group, or Ctrl or Command + G. Once they are grouped and in place, you can keep them from being accidentally moved by clicking the lock image next to them.

Finally, to make sure that your overlay images don’t hide other parts of the runway, select the group containing all overlay images, open the Edit menu again, and select Move Last.

WED will check the last modification date of the referenced image file every time the scenery pack is exported. If the original image is newer than the .dds created from it (e.g. because it was edited with an external photo editor), WED will re-create the .dds files as needed. If the corresponding .pol files are edited after initial creation by WED they will never be overwritten either, so as to preserve any manual edits applied to them.

Adding and Modifying Runways or Sealanes

To add a runway, simply select the runway tool (numbered 2 in Figure 4), then click twice in the map pane to visually set the two endpoints of the runway. For the sake of consistency, click first on the northern or western end (depending on the runway’s orientation) and clicking second on the southern or eastern end. Note that for now, this does not have to be very precise—we’ll clean it up momentarily to make it pin-point accurate. (Note that sealanes are added identically to runways, but they use the sealane tool rather than the runway tool.)

After your second mouse click, the green drawing line will turn into an orange outline, and the runway will appear in the object hierarchy pane, with a long list of attributes below it.

After having placed the runway roughly where it belongs, use the Airnav database or another reference to manually specify the exact endpoints of the runway, as well as its other properties. With the runway selected (either because you just drew it or because you used the marquee tool and clicked on it), click the Selection tab (found among the editing tabs, described above). You should begin by setting the “Latitude 1” and “Longitude 1” attributes—these are the coordinates of the first end you drew previously, which should have been the northern or western end of the runway. Then, input the “Latitude 2” and “Longitude 2” coordinates. (Note that the Latitude/Longitude Center, Heading, and Length attributes will all be calculated automatically from these.)

Beyond these attributes, the order in which you input the data does not matter. At the very least, you should specify the runway width, the surface, and, of course, the name. Be sure to enter the name as low/high numbers. For example, 18/36 is a legal name while 36/18 is not.

Note that, for all attributes with “1” and “2” variants, the “1” end is the end you clicked first when drawing.

Some important attributes whose significance may not be obvious are:

Having finished modifying a runway visually, you may want to lock it (as described in the section on The Hierarchy Pane above). Another good idea is to very its alignment with any existing X‑Plane NAVAIDs, such as ILS, VOR and NDB systems. This can be done by checking the Navaids option under the View menu to display all such installations as defined in the default NavData of the current X‑Plane install.

navaid overlay

Figure 12: The NAVAID overlay showing ILS localizer, Glideslope and Inner Marker correctly aligned with runway

Note this NAVAID layer is read-only–in other words it cannot be edited in WED. To request a fix to any discrepancies observed, file a bug report in the “NAVAIDs” tab on the Airport Scenery Gateway “Report a Problem” page.

If a runway has been modeled using an OBJ or some other specific technique that replaces X-Plane’s runway, a transparent surface can be selected from the drop down menu in the editing pane. This will allow users to get all of the menu items and approach lighting associated with a real runway, while still being able to set the surface physics and graphics themselves (using a draped polygon, with its physics specified in its .pol file). This is an advanced scenery design technique and not allowed on airports submitted to the Airport Scenery Gateway.

Adding and Modifying Taxiways

The taxiway tool is used to draw taxiways and other pavement (including aprons, parking lots, and so on) using Bezier polygons. Taxiways are much more than just “colored areas” in the scenery–they also create smooth surfaces, are shown in the Airport diagram of the X‑Plane map, affect how runway lights are shown, and more. They are functional elements of the airport and should not be used for anything but surfaces where aircraft do actually taxi. They are not to be used for roads, building footprints or other paved, grey surfaces–use polygon (.pol) files for these features.

Before beginning, it is important to ensure that, when drawing these polygons, there is only one enclosed area per polygon—that is, make sure that the outline does not cross over itself at any point. To ensure the taxiway aligns correctly with the runway or other pavement when rendered in X-Plane, be sure the two surfaces overlap a bit or that the points snap together. (See the Taxiway Shapes article for more information.)

With this in mind, select the taxiway tool from the toolbar and create a rough outline of a section of pavement. At this point, you should not be making the shapes especially detailed—use a small number of nodes, with the intention of cleaning the shape up later. Finish the shape by hitting the “Enter” key or clicking on the first node you placed, which will have a circle around it. If at any point you need to delete/remove a single vertex, you can use the vertex tool to select that vertex and hit the delete key. The vertex will be deleted and a straight line will be drawn between the two remaining vertices on either side of the deleted vertex.

Perhaps the easiest way to handle the airport’s taxiways is to outline all the taxiways and other pavement in your object, then use the hole tool to cut out all the area that was selected which isn’t pavement. If you are using an orthophoto, it will be helpful to change the transparency of the taxiway in order to see where the holes should be drawn. To do this, click the View menu and select “Pavement Transparency.” Set the taxiways to 50% transparency for a good balance.

For instance, on the left in Figure 13, the taxiway has just been drawn—it covers a lot of area that it shouldn’t. Then, on the right, holes have been cut in it so that it doesn’t cover the grassy areas around it. It still isn’t pretty, but we’ll clean it up soon to more closely match the real taxiways.

For information on how to use the hole tool, see the section “Cutting Holes in Bezier Shapes.”

The rough outlined taxiways, before and after cutting holes in them (left and right, respectively)

Figure 13: The rough outlined taxiways, before and after cutting holes in them (left and right, respectively)

Drawing one large taxiway and cutting holes will not work if you need markings on your (true) taxiways, though—in that case, you’ll need separate entities for each taxiway.

Smoothing the Curves

Now that we have a very basic outline of our pavement drawn, we need to modify it to follow the contours of the actual airport’s curves. We’ll do this by turning the node near a corner into a curving node in the Bezier path, which will cause the line connected to it to curve around it. To convert a plain node to a curving one, hold down the Alt key and drag the mouse away from the point. After you let go of both the mouse and the Alt key, you can click and drag the outside arrows to further tune the curve.

You may need place an extra node between two points for the purpose of creating this curving node. To split the line connecting two points and place a node between them, highlight the points using the vertex or marquee tool, open the Edit menu, and click Split. Alternatively, you can highlight the points and press Ctrl+E in Windows, or Command+E on a Mac.

Repeat this process for each curve around the pavement.

For information on switching between the different types of nodes, see the chapter Bezier Path Tools.

Creating Markings, Signs and Lighting

Runway Lines and Markings

Now we will add markings to our runways, taxiways, and other pavement. Markings come in two varieties: perimeter markings (found around the outline of taxiways), and overlay markings (like taxilines, ILS, and hold short markings). The latter are essentially stand-alone lines, so they may also be useful for coping with complicated taxiway layouts

Note that whenever you select a tool that supports markings (e.g., the taxiway and taxiline tools), you can set that tool’s default markings (using the tool defaults bar at the top of the window). When you select a default marking in this pull-down menu, that marking will be applied to that tool until you change it. So if you were going to draw taxilines, you would select the taxiline tool, set the Markings drop-down to “Double Solid Yellow (Black),” then begin drawing the shape.

You can, however, draw the shape first and add the markings later. This is easily accomplished by selecting an entity (like a taxiway) with either the vertex tool or the marquee tool, then going to the attributes pane and setting the Line Attributes, Light Attributes, or both, under the Selection tab. When you do this, the markings will be applied to the entire shape. This is generally not what is desired, though, and you’ll need to remove the markings from some of the segments for taxiway intersections and the like.

To remove the markings from one section of the taxiway, select a single node using the vertex tool. Then, in the attributes pane Selection tab, set its Line Attributes to none. The line connecting this node to whichever node was drawn after it will no longer have that attribute. For instance, if you selected Node 9 and set its Line Attributes to none, the line connecting it to Node 10 would have no markings.

Adding Ramp Starts

Adding ramp starts via the the ramp start tool will create the list of ramp starts seen in the Global Airports screen of X‑Plane. These are places you can start your flight from, where parked aircraft are drawn, or AI aircraft may taxi to and from during their operations.

Select your ramp start type: gate, tie down, or hangar. You can only have one of these checked at a time, but all types are displayed in the Ramp Start list of the Airport Map in X‑Plane. AI aircraft can use the gate and tie down types only, and push back services are only available at gate type ramp starts. Misc (checked by default) and hangar types are only usable by the sim pilot.

The equipment type field tells X‑Plane what type of aircraft would use this ramp in the real world. This is mostly used for spawning the correct type of AI planes. Pick at least one type of plane from the list.

Specifying the size, operation type, and airline fields will help X‑Plane populate airports with the most accurate mix of AI aircraft and static objects. Note that changing the Size field will change the size of the yellow icon. This is to help visualize how much space will be taken up by the largest aircraft of that category. Be sure to provide plenty of clearance–if any part of the icon is covered, there will not be enough space there in X‑Plane and taxiing aircraft will become stuck when trying to pass. Keep in mind that viewing the layout in the “Taxi+Flow” editing tab will make these issues easier to spot.

If you are importing an airport from an earlier version of WED, use the “Upgrade Ramps” option under the airport menu to automatically convert old style ramps to the new format compatible with X‑Plane 10.50.

Creating Taxi Signs

A runway or taxi sign is simply a directional point entity, which means it is placed and rotated just like other directional point entities. To place a new sign, select the taxi sign tool from the toolbar, then click in the map pane wherever the sign should be located. The new sign is represented as a rectangular icon with an arrow emerging from one side to indicate its heading—the front of the sign is the side with the arrow emerging from it. Note that you can rotate the sign as you create it by clicking and dragging, or you can change its heading later using the vertex tool.

Once the sign is positioned, click on the line in the hierarchy to open the sign editor and change the Name parameter to specify what the sign actually says. You can type directly on the line or click on individual icons in the editor. With the sign editor, you cannot create an invalid sign–the editor knows the syntax rules. If you see pure text, the sign is already invalid and you will need to delete the offending part or redo it. (Use the Validate option to point out sign syntax errors.)

taxi sign editor

The sign specification used by X‑Plane is shared by the FAA, and it is largely in line with other aviation authorities worldwide. Scenery artists may find it helpful to review “ICAO Recommended Airport Signs, Runway and Taxiway Markings,” which outlines how real-world taxi signs are positioned and designed.

Creating Windsocks, Light Fixtures, and Airport Beacons

Windsocks, light fixtures, and airport beacons are all placed on the airport like runway signs (described above)—click to place them, and, in the case of the light fixtures, drag the cursor to change their orientation. You can use the marquee tool to change their position, and, in the case of light fixtures, you can use the vertex tool to change their heading.

Adding and Modifying Helipads

To create a helipad, simply select the helipad tool, then click and drag in the map pane to both set the pad’s location and its heading. After placing a helipad, you can set the helipad’s name, surface type, marking type, size, and so on using the attributes pane (either the selection tab or the helipads tab, depending on your preferred workflow).

Creating Airport Boundaries

Airport boundaries define the edges of the area considered an airport. These are used primarily when new global terrain is generated—they enable our scenery generation algorithms to flatten the appropriate airport terrain, and to apply appropriate land use textures. The elevation of the airport area is pre-processed to remove bumps and radar spikes (flattened), and the terrain type is set to airport grass.

Guidelines for drawing the airport boundary:

Figure 14 shows a possible boundary for BWI. Note that the forest areas are probably on the property of the airport legally, but are not part of the airport boundary in the diagram so that the trees are not replaced with grass when the airport is built.

Determining an boundary

Figure 14: An example of determining an boundary

To draw an airport boundary, select the boundary tool and click at each corner around the airport. This is the area that will be flattened in X‑Plane and filled with airport grass the next time global scenery is cut. The boundary has no impact on the way your scenery is shown in X-Plane–it is only used when submitted to the Gateway and only for a future version of X‑Plane. When drawing the outline, be sure to go in one direction—either all clockwise or all counter-clockwise. When you have placed the last corner, press the Enter key to commit the points to the boundary. At this point, the boundary will appear in the object hierarchy pane; you can then name it there.

If your points aren’t in the places you would like, you can use the vertex tool to click the points and drag them.

Adding Objects and Auto-Generating Scenes

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will assume the objects to be used are already created and saved as single object .obj files, or composed into .agp scene files that may contain several objects, trees, facades, and even draped textures. X-Plane’s built-in library contains a great variety of objects. Note that scenery that uses third party resources (such as OpenSceneryX) cannot be uploaded or shared on the Airport Scenery Gateway.

To add an object to your scenery, first find it in the library browser (the pane on the right side of the screen). Selecting an object there will also select the Object tool from the toolbar. Having selected the object, click in the map pane wherever the object should go, or click and drag your mouse around to both place the object and set its heading. If you want to change the object’s heading after placing it, use the vertex tool, and if you want to move the object itself, use the marquee tool to drag it around.

For each object, you can choose at what object density (set in X-Plane’s rendering options) that object will be visible. In the object’s “show with” field (visible in the attributes pane), you can choose to always have X‑Plane draw the object (by selecting “default”) or have X‑Plane only draw the object at the highest level of object density (by selecting “too many”), or somewhere in between.

Adding am object

Figure 15: Adding an object to a scenery package

Note that in many cases, your drawn objects don’t have to match the objects in the orthophoto, due to the fact that X‑Plane will draw concrete pads where they would be in real life, and these pads will go on top of the orthophoto.

Drawing Object Strings and Line Markings

Object strings and line markings are drawn by default as open Bezier paths. To draw one, select the resource you would like to draw from the library pane (possibly by typing str or lin in the library pane’s Filter box), then, click in the map pane to place each vertex of the line. To change a string or line into a closed Bezier path (a ring), select the string in the hierarchy pane and check the box labeled “closed.”

The .lin files that come as part of the default library are identical in appearance to “Airport Line Markings”, but differ in the way they are stored in scenery files.

Airport Line Markings are intended for aircraft movement assistance, such as taxiway center or edge lines, runway hold markings, etc. They can have lights associated with them and they are written into the apt.dat file. They will not however, align exactly with polygon shapes. They also take up 5 to 7 times as much space in scenery files and end up in a global database: all airport line markings at all airports have to be parsed by the simulator every time X‑Plane starts.

Multi-purpose lines ( .lin ), on the other hand, render faster and therefore should be used in the majority of cases. They will align exactly with a polygon and are subject to the same compression when saved to the .dsf file.

Drawing Draped Polygons

To add a draped polygon (a surface that covers the X‑Plane terrain and takes its shape) to your scenery, first either select the polygon tool or find the resource you would like to use in the library pane (perhaps by typing pol in the library pane’s Filter). Then, click in the map pane to draw the polygon as a Bezier path.

Adding Facades

A facade in WED is essentially an image wrapped around a polygon at a specified height. This is used to build a simple building or fence quickly and easily. Users specify only the shape of the structure at its base, its height, and the .fac file to use.

To draw a facade, select the facade tool from the toolbar (or select a .fac file from the library browser), and set the height of the structure in the tool defaults setting pane if desired. Depending on what type of .fac file is used, the tool will automatically draw open or closed Bezier paths for fences or buildings, respectively.

Use the facade tool to trace the outline of the scenery element you would like to draw. You can modify the points later using the vertex tool—remember that holding Alt and clicking on a point with the vertex tool will change it to a point of curvature in the Bezier path. After the facade is outlined, give it a name and change its height in the attribute pane as needed.

Drawing Forests

Overlay scenery created in WorldEditor can specify forested regions with a high degree of specificity. Using the forest tool, you can draw the outline of the forested region (using only plain nodes, with straight line segments). Before or after a forest is drawn (by using the tool defaults or attributes panes, respectively), you can set the following properties for it:

The default library has a number of forests types under the lib/g8/ path available. These carry names that specify the type and climate zone a given flora type will used for by the autogen system. Matching this climate zone to the location where a your scenery is located (using a _cld_wet option at an airport in Alaska, or _vhot_dry in the Sahara, for example) will ensure the forests match with the autogenerated scenery all around the airport and provide a more consistent overall appearance.

Creating Airport Traffic Flow Information

An airport traffic flow defines a particular configuration of runways. Most large airports will have several “flows” depending on weather or time conditions, or type of aircraft, so WED allows you to create more than one flow as well.

An ATC traffic flow starts with an ATC flow item, which defines the flow’s name, its visibility/ceiling requirements, and its pattern runway. It can also specify the following rules:

The last of all flows specified should never include any wind, time or visibility rules. This is the fallback flow if no other matching flow’s rules meet the actual wind or weather conditions. (Note there is currently no option to force an airport to be closed due to the wind or weather rules preventing operation of any runway.) If there is a certain weather scenario not covered by any specified flow and its rules, X‑Plane will always choose the last flow specified, whether that makes realistic sense or not.

To create a traffic flow, select your airport in the hierarchy pane, open the Airport menu, and click Create Airport Flow. Then, after selecting that flow in the hierarchy pane, open the Airport menu again and select Create Runway Use Rule, Create Runway Time Rule, or Create Runway Wind Rule. These rules specify under what conditions the runway should be used. X‑Plane will try to use the rules in order (from top to bottom), so be sure to order multiple flows from most specific to least. It also a good idea to have a generic, catch-all flow that can be used in all conditions in case the condition-specific flows overlook a possible scenario.

Note that the taxi routes (detailed below) generated by X-Plane’s artificial intelligence are not part of the flow—-these routes do not change with flow.

For a step-by-step walkthrough of creating traffic flows, see the four part video tutorial on the X‑Plane YouTube channel. See the article “ATC Flow Authoring in WED” for more information on how to set each field of the ATC flow.

Specifying ATC Taxi Networks

Taxi networks provide guidelines on how to get from one part of an airport to another. If the airport does not have a hand-drawn route, X‑Plane auto-generates a taxi network when it starts. These networks tend to have problems and are not very precise. Specifying a taxi network in WorldEditor will keep the AI-controlled aircraft moving in a reasonable manner around an airport, instead of going through buildings or off the pavement. They also contain important data such as taxiway names and hold short information.

To create taxiway routings for the AI aircraft, use the taxi routes tool and click to trace the path the aircraft should take. To do this efficiently, you may want to preset the properties of the taxi route tool using the tool defaults bar at the top of the window; then, you can draw all departure paths together, all paths for a specific runway together, and so on. If you do not set the properties that way, or need to change them later, you can select the taxiway(s) in the hierarchy pane, and then make your changes in the attributes pane below it. (Note that there are additional fields in the attributes pane, such as latitude and longitude, that should not be edited.)

Picking a runway in the Departure and Arrival fields indicates the segment is in a hot zone for that runway. Setting the ILS field indicates that segment is in an ILS precision area. The Size field determines the largest AI aircraft that is legally allowed to use the taxi route. This prevents aircraft with large wingspans from taxiing along routes that have limited clearance. Most taxiways should be specified large enough for the largest aircraft that could use a given airport–which should match the size of the largest ramp start specified at that airport. The slop field indicates how close your point must be to another taxiway section in order to snap to it. Larger numbers allow the paths to snap together from farther away. The other preset fields are self-explanatory.

When viewed in the ATC Taxi + Flow tab, taxi routes are color-coded for better visualization in the map pane. Runway segments are blue (or purple), basic route segments are yellow, hot zones are red, and ILS precision areas are orange.

taxi route colors

Figure 16: Color coding of ATC taxi route segments

In addition, changing the Size field will change the width of the band. This is to help visualize how much space will be taken up by the largest aircraft of that category. Be sure to provide plenty of clearance–if any part of the band is overlapping, there will not be enough space there for the plane to pass safely in X-Plane.

WED includes a lot of validation to help catch any errors with your taxi networks because they are very complicated systems to design, but also very important. They’re the only way ATC understands how to direct AI aircraft around the airport. Keep the taxi network limited to the preferred and safe routes that aircraft would take at any airport. The ATC will not be able to distinguish rarely or never used taxi routes from the preferred one. Instead, it will always take the shortest and straightest path from a runway to the assigned parking position and vice versa.

See the article “ATC Taxi Route Authoring” for an in-depth guide to designing correct taxi routes. A five part video tutorial is also available on the X‑Plane Official YouTube channel.

Specifying Service Vehicle Networks

Scenery artists can customize routes for airport service vehicles to use in X‑Plane. Ground traffic vehicles are AI-controlled, and each vehicle spends most of its time at specific “parking locations.” When called to duty it heads to either an aircraft’s location or a “truck destination.” Service vehicles will randomly visit “truck destinations” in order to create more traffic and activity at airports. All service vehicles return to “parking locations” after they complete their service.

The three tools used in creating service vehicle networks are:

example routes

Figure 17: Example of truck routes, parking spots and destinations at KSEA, as seen in the ATC Taxi + Flow tab view.

The available types of service vehicles are:

Note that, in order for an aircraft to receive service, ports must have been specified in Plane Maker.

To begin laying down service vehicle networks, first select the Truck Parking tool and click in the map pane to place locations where the service vehicles will park when not in use. Only one type of vehicle is allowed per spot, which is determined by the drop down. Place parking locations near aircraft when possible so the vehicles do not have to drive a long way. Service vehicles will avoid collisions with other service vehicles and the aircraft they are servicing, but not other objects. (The awareness to avoid buildings and other objects may be available in the future.) If service vehicles need to cover a long distance however, they will use ground truck taxi routes when available.

Drawing the ground truck routes works exactly like drawing ATC taxi routes. Select the ATC Taxi Routes tool and pick “Ground Trucks” from the “Allowed Vehicles” field in the tool bar, then click in the map pane to place the points which outline a route. Service vehicle routes ignore the settings in the Runway, Departure, Arrival, ILS, Size and Name fields, but can be marked one way.

Unlike ATC taxi routes, service vehicle routes can be multiple separate, unconnected networks. Service vehicle routes are not allowed to cross or be too close to any runway, so stand-alone networks separated by runways may be necessary at many airports. Ground routes may be placed through terminal buildings if, in real life, there are paths through the area that X‑Plane is currently incapable of modeling.

Service vehicles are good at maneuvering near their docking locations and need room to do so. This means service vehicle routes should not be drawn close to ramp starts. Leave room around the ramp starts, especially the right side, to allow for this.

space to maneuver

Figure 18: Space for the service vehicles to maneuver around the right (starboard) side of aircraft is indicated by the purple striped area.

The truck destination tool is used to place a location that will randomly call the specified service vehicles. Pick all the types of vehicles that will be allowed to use it in the drop down of the toolbar, then click in the map pane to place the destinations. Vehicles will drive to the spot and park there briefly in order to create more traffic activity at the airport.

Adding Animated Jetways

X-Plane 12 has built in support for jetways that move and dock with the user’s aircraft. Sceneries require new data to specify where those are. In most cases the upgrade is as easy as opening the existing X‑Plane 11 scenery in WED 2.5 or newer, changing the “Target X‑Plane Version” to X‑Plane 12.00, and exporting the scenery again.

Animated jetways are shown with a red arc that indicates the area where an aircraft’s door must be located for the jetway to be able to dock with it.

animated jetways range

Figure 18: The jetway's movement arc

When drawing new jetways from scratch, WED knows to set the correct wall types to form a proper jetway. When the jetway is drawn starting from the aircraft side, the cabin, tunnel and any more extensions are all preset as needed. In order to get facades to turn into auto-docking jetways there must be a cabin and a tunnel chosen, in that order, on the right end. Watch for the red arc to confirm your jetway will become auto docking.

Exporting the Scenery

When you have finished customizing the airport, open the File menu and select Validate. This command will check the WED file for errors based on the current export target. You can change the export target by selecting Target X‑Plane Version from under the File menu. The Scenery Gateway validation target is a much more stringent validation process. This is intended to make sure the scenery is useable with low end or older computers, and to ensure no 3rd party add on libraries are required. Remember that selecting an older version will disable newer features, such as moving jetways, which do not exist in versions prior to X‑Plane 12.00.

If there any scenery errors when you validate or export your scenery, WED will show you a window of all issues, which can range from warnings to major errors that prevent an export. Clicking on one of the lines in this pop up box will allow you to go directly to that issue, or you may select multiple issues at once to fix them all in one action. A “validation_report.txt” file will also be placed in the scenery folder. Use either of these resources to correct the errors before completing the export.

If no errors are present, select Export Scenery Pack from the File menu. If orthophotos were used, the .dsf and .pol file will be automatically created and placed in the scenery folder. The new scenery will be visible the next time you load the area in X-Plane.

All the files that the scenery package depends on are should be its folder (or referenced in the X‑Plane library). To share the scenery pack with a friend (or with the world via the Internet), just zip up your package folder (located in X-Plane’s Custom Scenery folder). Instruct the other user(s) to unzip the folder into their Custom Scenery folder, after which the scenery will appear in X‑Plane on their computer as it does on yours. Beware, however, that external resources will not appear for other users unless they have those same resources installed. Thus, if you use a third party product such as OpenSceneryX in your scenery, be sure to tell your users to install it as well.

Airport Scenery Gateway

You also have the option to upload your files directly to the Airport Scenery Gateway. This is a community-driven effort to collect airport data into a global airport database and will be a collection of all airport layouts authored by the X‑Plane community over the years. Future releases of X‑Plane will periodically share Gateway submissions with all X‑Plane users.

Note: Scenery elements or library items from 3rd party addons such as OpenSceneryX, or any draped orthophotos, are not compatible with the Airport Scenery Gateway.

To upload a scenery package to the Gateway:

  1. Register for free as a new artist on the Gateway to establish your Gateway login credentials.
  2. Ensure that all buildings and other 3D objects are inside the folder in the WED hierarchy that represents the airport (just like runways must be). It’s also a good idea to view your scenery in X‑Plane first, with object settings at max to catch any problems.
  3. Set the “Target X‑Plane Version” in the File menu to “Airport Scenery Gateway.”
  4. Select File->Validate to run a validation pass on your airport. Any errors that would prevent Gateway upload will be located.
  5. Select the airport you want to upload in the hierarchy. (Note that you can only upload one airport at a time.)
  6. Select File -> Export to Airport Scenery Gateway.
  7. Input your username, password, and text description.
  8. Click “Upload.”

To track your airport’s progress on the Gateway:

  1. Log in to the Gateway. Artists must be logged in to see submissions until they have been accepted or approved by a moderator.
  2. Click on the “Airport Scenery” menu option.
  3. Search for your airport using the ICAO code.
  4. Select the airport from the search results grid to view all submissions that exist for this airport.
  5. Confirm that your submission currently has a status of “Uploaded.” This means the airport has been received by the Gateway but has not yet been acknowledged by the moderator. The moderator’s primary responsibility is to ensure the airport looks sensible, and no objects block the taxi routes, ramps, or runways. As multiple submissions appear for a given airport, the moderator will gradually raise the bar to determine the “Recommended” submission.
  6. Check back periodically to follow the progress of your airport submission on the Gateway. Airports may have the following status:

For more information, to register as an artist, or to download existing files, check out the Airport Scenery Gateway website.

Editing Using the Map Tools

Tools used in WorldEditor can be categorized as follows: