The Public Service Dental Care Plan (DCP) is a private health service plan for federal Public Service employees and their eligible dependants. It covers you for specific dental services and supplies that are not covered under your provincial health care or dental care plan. The purpose of the Dental Care Plan is to provide members and their dependants with coverage, up to certain limits, for expenses for required services and supplies.
The Public Service Dental Care Plan has 5 components:
- Plan 55555 – Employees of Public Service Departments and Eligible Agencies (referred to as the NJC Plan)
- Plan 55666 – Members of the Public Service Alliance of Canada
- Plan 55777 – Dependants of Members of the Canadian Forces
- Plan 55888 – Dependants of Members of the RCMP
- Plan 55999 – Eligible Members and Dependants of the Canadian Forces Reserves
The complete terms and conditions of your Public Service Dental Care Plan are set out in the Dental Care Plan Rules.
The employee booklet Dental Care Plan (DCP) Public Service of Canada describes your benefits as a plan member. The Canada Life Assurance Company of Canada administers the DCP. Plan members, who do not have access to the Internet, should contact their departmental compensation advisor.
Inquiries and Claims
Inquiries and paper claims should be directed to Canada Life at the following addresses:
For Canadian residents outside Québec, for the National
Capital Region and members posted outside Canada:
Call Centres:
Toll free line: 1-855-415-4414
(Services in French and English)
Phone: 204-946-1190
TTY line for the deaf or hard of hearing:
Toll free line: 1-800-990-6654
For Québec residents, other than in the National Capital Region:
Call Centres:
Toll free line: 1-855-415-4414
(Services in French and English)
TTY line for the deaf or hard of hearing:
Toll free line: 1-800-990-6654
Claims Appeals
Claims Appeals with respect to the "Public Service Dental Care Plan" (Plan Number 55555), should be sent by regular mail, with the pertinent information necessary for the adjudication of the claim to the National Joint Council.
National Joint Council
PO Box 1525, Station "B"
Ottawa, ON K1P 5V2
Practical reminders regarding the Public Service Dental Care Plan
- As a member of the PSDCP, it is your responsibility to be aware of the terms of the PSDCP prior to treatment. Be sure to have the plan and your certificate number ready when calling the Plan Administrator at one of the toll-free numbers shown below. General information or your individual detailed information is also available when you access your on-line account.
- Treatment Plans are strongly recommended when a treatment is expected to cost more than $300. Take note that the remarks included on the Pre-determination of Benefits statement provided by the Plan Administrator are part of the Treatment Plan assessment and must be read in conjunction with any amounts approved. A Treatment Plan is not an authority to reimburse services as deductibles, yearly maximums and previous year fee schedules still apply.
- Claims must be submitted within fifteen (15) months of the date the service was incurred in order for reimbursement to be made. Each claim for monthly orthodontic services must also be submitted within fifteen (15) months of the date of each visit.
- Dental claims submitted electronically by dental offices with respect to routine services will be adjudicated electronically by the Plan Administrator, if the required information is on file. The dental office will provide you with a copy of the Explanation of Benefits statement during your visit. Unless you have assigned payment to your dental provider, electronic submission of a claim will not affect your direct fund transfer option.
- You need to inform your dental office of any change of address and to confirm the student status of children between the ages of 21 and 25. It will ensure your personal information on file is maintained up-to-date.