We created this Linux Commands Cheat Sheet initially for students of our DevOps & Linux Bootcamp. But we're now sharing it with any and all DevOps Engineers, SysAdmins, and Developers that want to learn and remember some of the key Linux Commands and have a quick reference guide to the basics of Linux.
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The man pages are navigated using the less command with shortcuts:
TAB TAB: Display all commands or filenames starting with written letters. CTRL + L: Clear the current line. CTRL + D: Close the shell. CTRL + U: Cut the current line. CTRL + A: Move cursor to start of the line. Ctrl + E: Move cursor to the end of the line. CTRL + C: Stop the current command. CTRL + Z: Sleep the running program. CTRL + ALT + T: Open a terminal.
Usage: ls [OPTIONS] [FILES]
Copy files and directories:
Move or rename files and directories:
Remove files and directories:
Redirect output and errors:
Search with various options:
## Account Management /etc/passwd # users and info: /etc/shadow # users' passwords /etc/group # groups ## User Commands useradd [OPTIONS] username # Create user. usermod [OPTIONS] username # Modify user. userdel -r username # Delete user. ## Group Commands groupadd group_name # Create group. groupdel group_name # Delete group. ## Examples useradd -m -d /home/john -c "C++ Developer" -s /bin/bash -G sudo,adm,mail john # Example of creating a user. usermod -aG developers,managers john # Example of modifying a user.
## Commands who -H # User info. id # User info. whoami # User info. w # System usage. uptime # System usage. last # Login history. last -u username # Login history for a specific user.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install openssh-server openssh-client
sudo dnf install openssh-server openssh-clients
ssh -p 22 username@server_ip # Connect using default SSH port ssh -p 22 -l username server_ip # Connect with a specific username ssh -v -p 22 username@server_ip # Connect in verbose mode for detailed information # Ubuntu sudo systemctl status ssh # Check SSH status sudo systemctl stop ssh # Stop SSH service sudo systemctl restart ssh # Restart SSH service sudo systemctl enable ssh # Enable SSH to start on boot sudo systemctl is-enabled ssh # Check if SSH is enabled on boot # CentOS sudo systemctl status sshd # Check SSH status sudo systemctl stop sshd # Stop SSH service sudo systemctl restart sshd # Restart SSH service sudo systemctl enable sshd # Enable SSH to start on boot sudo systemctl is-enabled sshd # Check if SSH is enabled on boot
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and then apply changes by restarting SSH:
Remember to consult the man page ( man sshd_config ) for detailed configuration options.
# Copy local file to remote host scp a.txt john@ scp -P 2288 a.txt john@ # Custom port # Copy from remote to local scp -P 2290 john@ . # Copy entire directory to remote scp -P 2290 -r projects/ john@
# Sync local directory to local backup sudo rsync -av /etc/ ~/etc-backup/ # Mirror directory, deleting extraneous files from dest sudo rsync -av --delete /etc/ ~/etc-backup/ # Exclude files during sync rsync -av --exclude-from='~/exclude.txt' /source/ /dest/ # Sync over SSH with custom port sudo rsync -av -e 'ssh -p 2267' /etc/ student@
# exclude.txt could include patterns like: *.avi music/ abc.mkv # Exclude specific file types during transfer rsync -av --exclude='*.mkv' /source/ /dest/
# Install wget sudo apt install wget # Ubuntu sudo dnf install wget # CentOS # Basic file download wget https://example.com/file.iso # Resume incomplete download wget -c https://example.com/file.iso # Download with bandwidth limit wget --limit-rate=100k https://example.com/file.iso # Download multiple files wget -i urls.txt # urls.txt contains list of URLs # Recursive download for offline viewing of a website wget -mkEpnp http://example.org
Use these commands to efficiently copy files and directories across systems and for downloading content from the internet, ensuring data synchronization and maintaining web accessibility.
# Display all ports and connections sudo netstat -tupan sudo ss -tupan # Check if port 80 is open netstat -tupan | grep :80
# List open files lsof # Files opened by a specific user lsof -u username # Files opened by a specific command/process lsof -c sshd Open files for TCP ports in LISTEN state lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN lsof -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN -nP
Use these commands to monitor network connections, check for open ports, and view files opened by users or processes, especially for security and troubleshooting.
# SYN Scan (root required) nmap -sS # TCP Connect Scan nmap -sT # Scan All Ports nmap -p- # Scan Specific Ports nmap -p 20,22-100,443,1000-2000 # Service Version Detection nmap -p 22,80 -sV # Ping Scan Network nmap -sP # Skip Host Discovery nmap -Pn # Exclude Specific IP from Scan nmap -sS --exclude # Output Scan to File nmap -oN output.txt # OS Detection nmap -O # Aggressive Scan nmap -A # Read Targets from File & Output to File without DNS Resolution nmap -n -iL hosts.txt -p 80 -oN output.txt
Only scan your own networks and systems, or those you have explicit permission to test. Unauthorized scanning can be illegal.
crontab -e # Edit crontab crontab -l # List tasks crontab -r # Remove tasks # Schedule Format: * * * * * command # Every minute 15 * * * * command # Hourly 30 18 * * * command # Daily 3 22 * * 1 command # Weekly 10 6 1 * * command # Monthly @yearly command # Yearly @reboot command # At reboot
lshw # Full hardware info lshw -short # Short format lshw -json # JSON format lshw -html # HTML format
lscpu # CPU details lshw -C cpu # Hardware-specific CPU details lscpu -J # JSON format
dmidecode -t memory # RAM specs dmidecode -t memory | grep -i size dmidecode -t memory | grep -i max free -m # Memory usage
lspci # PCI buses and connected devices lspci | grep -i wireless lspci | grep -i vga lsusb # USB controllers and devices lsusb -v # Verbose output
lshw -short -C disk fdisk -l # List disks fdisk -l /dev/sda lsblk # Block devices list
lshw -C network iw list # Wi-Fi cards iwconfig # Wi-Fi configuration iwlist scan # Wi-Fi networks scan
cat /proc/cpuinfo # CPU info cat /proc/meminfo # Memory info cat /proc/version # System version uname -r # Kernel version uname -a # All system info
acpi -bi # Battery info acpi -V # All ACPI info
# Backup MBR dd if=/dev/sda of=~/mbr.dat bs=512 count=1 # Restore MBR dd if=~/mbr.dat of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 # Clone partition dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb2 bs=4M status=progress
Use these commands to check hardware specifications and perform operations with device files safely.
# Analyze boot process systemd-analyze systemd-analyze blame # List active units systemctl list-units systemctl list-units | grep ssh # Service status sudo systemctl status nginx.service # Stop service sudo systemctl stop nginx # Start service sudo systemctl start nginx # Restart service sudo systemctl restart nginx # Reload service config sudo systemctl reload nginx sudo systemctl reload-or-restart nginx # Enable service at boot sudo systemctl enable nginx # Disable service at boot sudo systemctl disable nginx # Check if service is enabled at boot sudo systemctl is-enabled nginx # Mask service sudo systemctl mask nginx # Unmask service sudo systemctl unmask nginx
sudo systemctl status ssh # Check SSH service status sudo systemctl stop ssh # Stop SSH service sudo systemctl restart ssh # Restart SSH service sudo systemctl enable ssh # Enable SSH to start on boot sudo systemctl is-enabled ssh # Check if SSH is enabled on boot
sudo systemctl status sshd # Check SSHD service status sudo systemctl stop sshd # Stop SSHD service sudo systemctl restart sshd # Restart SSHD service sudo systemctl enable sshd # Enable SSHD to start on boot sudo systemctl is-enabled sshd # Check if SSHD is enabled on boot
To configure security settings, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config . Apply changes by restarting SSH. Key configurations include:
Note: Consult the man page ( man sshd_config ) for detailed configuration options.
alias # List all aliases alias name='command' # Create an alias unalias name # Remove an alias
alias c='clear' alias cl='clear; ls; pwd' alias root='sudo su' alias ports='netstat -tupan' alias sshconfig='sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config' alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt clean'
alias cp='cp -i' alias mv='mv -i' alias rm='rm -i'
variable="value" # Define a variable echo $variable # Reference a variable declare -r const=100 # Define a read-only variable unset variable # Unset a variable env | grep PATH # Find an environment variable export PATH=$PATH:~/bin # Modify the PATH variable
$0, $1, $2, ..., $ # Script name & positional arguments $# # Number of positional arguments "$*" # All positional arguments as a single string $? # Exit status of the last command
if [ condition ]; then command; fi # Basic if statement if [ condition ]; then command; else other_command; fi # If-else statement if [ condition ]; then command; elif [ condition ]; then... # If-elif-else statement
# Numeric comparisons: -eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt, -ge # File checks: -s, -f, -d, -x, -w, -r # String comparisons: =, !=, -n (not zero), -z (is zero) # Logical operators: && (and), || (or)
for i in 1..5>; do echo "Loop $i"; done # For loop while [ condition ]; do command; done # While loop case "$variable" in pattern) command;; esac # Case statement function name() command; > # Function definition name() command; > # Alternative function syntax name # Call a function
crontab -e # Edit crontab file crontab -l # List crontab entries crontab -r # Remove crontab entries
Combine these constructs to write effective bash scripts for task automation and system management.