Linux Commands Cheat Sheet 💻🐧

We created this Linux Commands Cheat Sheet initially for students of our DevOps & Linux Bootcamp. But we're now sharing it with any and all DevOps Engineers, SysAdmins, and Developers that want to learn and remember some of the key Linux Commands and have a quick reference guide to the basics of Linux.

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If you’ve stumbled across this cheatsheet and are just starting to learn Linux, you've made a great choice!

Linux powers the internet. It’s everywhere. From the smallest to the biggest companies like Amazon, Microsoft, SpaceX. They’re all using Linux on their backend, so it's great to learn if you're interested in becoming a DevOps Engineer or SysAdmin.

However, if you're stuck in an endless cycle of YouTube tutorials and want to start building real world projects and actually get hired, then come join the Zero To Mastery Academy.

You'll learn Linux + devops from actual industry professionals alongside thousands of students in our private Discord community.

You'll not only learn to become a top 10% DevOps Engineer by learning advanced topics most courses don't cover, but you'll also build awesome projects that you can add to your portfolio and wow employers with!

Just want the cheatsheet? No problem! Please enjoy and if you'd like to submit any suggestions, feel free to email us at


The Linux Terminal

Linux Paths

The ls Command

Viewing files (cat, less, more, head, tail, watch)

Working with files and directory (touch, mkdir, cp, mv, rm, shred)

Piping and Command Redirection

Finding Files (find, locate)

Searching for Text Patterns (grep)

VIM - Text Editor

Account Management

File Permissions



OpenSSH Configuration and Management

File Transfer Techniques with SCP and RSYNC

NETSTAT and SS Usage

LSOF Commands

Nmap Scanning Guide

Software Management with DPKG and APT

Task Scheduling using Cron

Getting System Hardware Information

Working directly with device files (dd)

Service Management

Security Configuration

Bash Programming

The Linux Terminal

Getting Help in Linux

MAN Pages